Origins of the Current Wave of Child Refugees
El Salvador's colonial history begins
in 1524 with the arrival of Pedro de Alvarado, a lieutenant of Hernan
Cortes. The country lacked the gold and silver resources of other
Spanish conquests in the New World, but it proved to be a profitable
source of agricultural exports, initially of cacao, indigo (source
of a popular blue dye) and, somewhat later, of coffee. The country's
development followed the familiar pattern of New World colonies - a
small number of families either directly descended from the
colonizers themselves or connected through inter-marriage quickly
came to control the land, the resources and the government. The
ruling elites were able to maintain unchallenged control of El
Salvador well into the 20th century through an alliance
with the country's top military leaders whose loyalties were easily
purchased at a modest price. They then provided whatever was needed
in the way force and intimidation to ensure that a small number of
elite families maintained complete control of the wealth and
resources of the country.
This arrangement prevailed until the
early 1930's when the already abysmal plight of agricultural workers
became completely intolerable following a plunge in world coffee
prices. When Agustin Farabundo Marti organized an insurrection of
the rural poor in 1932, the army responded by killing 30,000 people,
targeting in particular those who wore traditional dress or spoke
indigenous languages, in what became known as "la matanza."
These brutal tactics in combination with a timely rise in world
coffee prices were enough to shore up the old economic order for
another few decades, but the but the handwriting was clearly on the
wall. The revolution in Cuba 1959 and the growing threat of
communism in Central and South America raised alarms, not only among
the ruling elites, but in the the US as well. The initial US
response was a positive one. With strong support from President John
F. Kennedy, an ambitious program, the Alliance for Progress, was
launched to encourage democratic reforms throughout Latin America.
Membership in the Alliance required commitments by each country to
implement fundamental economic, political, and social reforms but
while the stated goals were laudable - they included land and
political reform along with improvements in educational and health
care services for the poor - they were subverted by the ruling elites
in Latin America and by conservative politicians in the US who viewed
many of the initiatives as socialistic. There was a steady decline
in US support for the Alliance following Kennedy's assassination and
over the ensuing decade, military dictatorships actually replace
democratically elected governments in thirteen of the countries that
were part of the original Alliance. Over the same period, an
increasing percentage of US aid shifted from economic development to
military assistance.
The Alliance for Progress had only a
limited impact in El Salvador and the five decades that followed the suppression of the 1932 uprising witnessed an unbroken string of
anti-democratic,military dictatorships and a continuing decline in
civil rights and economic opportunity. Opposition grew slowly but
steadily but was met with increasingly blatant manipulation of the
political process by the military and increasingly harsh forms of
repression. The following excerpt from a PBS history of El Salvador
picks up the story in 1977 1.
“Following the military
government's blatant manipulation of the presidential election in
1977, demonstrators gathered in the main plaza of San Salvador and
were fired upon by security forces. Shortly thereafter, a reformist
priest, Father Rutilio Grande, was assassinated. In response,
Monsignor Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador, called for an
investigation, urged popular demonstrations and led a memorial mass
attended by more than 100,000 people................
In 1980, after President Carter
announced a $50 million aid package to support reforms - including $5
million in military aid - Archbishop Romero urged the U.S. to cease
all military assistance to El Salvador. One month later, Archbishop
Romero ended his Sunday sermon with this plea: 'I beseech you, I
beg you, order you in the name of God, stop the repression.' Romero
was assassinated the following day. Six months later, a full-scale
civil war had begun.
The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan
as President of the United States changed American policy in El
Salvador dramatically. The new U.S. administration worried about
Communist expansion in Central America and viewed the El Salvador
military government as a potential barrier against Communism. The
Reagan administration substantially increased both military and
economic aid to El Salvador.
The civil war raged on in El
Salvador, fueled by U.S. aid to the Salvadoran military. The
government harshly repressed dissent, and at least 70,000 people lost
their lives in killings and bombing raids waged against civilians
throughout the countryside. The country's infrastructure had
crumbled, and the nation appeared to be no closer to its goals of
peace, prosperity and social justice than when the process began.
Then, in 1989, the murder of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper
and her daughter at the University of Central America shocked the
international community into action.
With continuing reports of
atrocities and murders in El Salvador, the U.S. Congress no longer
accepted the State Department's assurance that things were getting
better. Speaker of the House Tom Foley created a special task force
to monitor El Salvador's investigation of the murders. Congressman
Joe Moakley of Massachusetts was selected to head up the
investigation. ..................... He discovered that from a very
high level, the armed forces of El Salvador had been responsible for
the murders of the Jesuits. His investigation also led to the
conclusion that certain levels of the U.S. government had known about
the situation long before the task force was created.”
The civil war
generated created a flood of Salvadorans seeking refuge in the US the
vast majority crossing the Mexican border into Southern California
and settling primarily in the Los Angeles area. Accurate estimates
of the ebbs and flows of illegal immigrants are notoriously difficult
to come by, but a report by the Migration Policy Institute suggests
that arrivals from El Salvador peaked at 129,000 in 1982 and that an
additional 334,000 entered between 1985 and 19902.
The new arrivals quickly found themselves at the mercy of existing
Mexican and African American gangs and quickly organized their own
gangs. While initially formed for self defense, they quickly
morphed into criminal enterprises driven primarily by financial
incentives. One of the most notorious Salvadoran gangs, MS 13, is
now national in scope with a strong presence in Washington, DC and
adjoining counties in Virginia and Maryland.
When crime and violence associated with
warring street gangs became a major concern in many cities across the
United States, the deportation of gang members became a hot political
issue. As part of his efforts to triangulate Republicans on crime,
President Bill Clinton signed a 1996 law that ratcheted up
deportations of immigrants with criminal records by making things
like drunk driving and petty theft deportable offenses. “Shipping
off undesirable immigrants proved enormously
popular among Democrats and Republicans alike and mass deportations continued apace under both Presidents Bush and Obama - overwhelmingly to Mexico and Central America.”3
popular among Democrats and Republicans alike and mass deportations continued apace under both Presidents Bush and Obama - overwhelmingly to Mexico and Central America.”3

The trademark devil-horns hand sign popular among
originated with the
English heavy metal band Judas Priest
Photograph: Ulises Rodriguez / EPA
Photograph: Ulises Rodriguez / EPA
These children and their parents have decided that the perils of traveling alone through
Mexico and making an illegal crossing into the US are preferable to
the threats posed by gangs in their home countries.
2Gammage, Sarah, “El Salvador: Despite End to Civil War, Emigration Continues.”, Migration Policy Institute, 2007. http://www.migrationpolicy.org/print/4507#.U-Kw12PCf1g
“Gangs, guns and Judas Priest: the secret history of a
US-inflicted border crisis”, The Manchester Guardian, 23 July,